Here you can find the results of today and the gameplan for the finals Positional games&HF_results Finals gameplan
Change in Technical Committee of IIA

After a period of 11 years, Luc Hagen (Luxemburg) has stopped to carry out his work for the International Indiaca Association. Luc Hagen started as member of Technical Committee in 2004 and became President of Technical Committee in 2008. The…
Results of the second qualification day

Here you can find the results of today: Men Open – Pool 1 Men Open Pool 2 Women Open – Pool 1 Women Open – Pool 2 Senior Mixed Please take a look at the gallery for more photos
First results Open World Cup in Saitama City / Japan

A great day of top-class games has passed. Please see the qualification results of Day 1 (26.08.15) in the following files: Senior Men Senior Women Mixed Open – Pool 1 Mixed Open – Pool 2 …
Gameplan Open World Cup 2015 in Saitama City / Japan
In two weeks the 4ht Open World Cup 2015 will start in Saitama City. The Gameplan is ready. Please see this file: Games per day v3
Participating Teams Open World Cup 2015
The registration shows 39 teams of 5 nations at the moment! Please find a list of the participating teams here: 150415 Registration WCup 2015 All Teams Open Indiaca World Cup in Saitama City – August 25th to 29th 2015 – we…
Poster Open World Cup 2015 Saitama City, Japan

Results 4th Open Junior Worldcup

Results of the Qualification – Wednesday, August 7th 2014: Women Youth (-15) Men Youth (-15) Mixed Junior (-19) Results of the Qualification – Thursday, August 8th 2014: Women Junior (-19) Men Junior (-19) Mixed Youth (-15) Schedule for finals: here Positional…
4th Open Indiaca World Cup – Date and venue in Japan is fixed!
The 4th Open Indiaca World Cup will happen in Japan in Saitama city Pref. near Tokyo. The tournament location is “Saitama city memorial gymnasium”. The date ist August, 24 – 29, 2015 Here you can find informations about the tournament…
Next IIA competition in 2014

In the context of the World Championship which occured last week in Bietigheim-Bissingen, the contract for the next IIA competition has been signed. The 4th Open Junior Worldcup will take place from august 6th to 9th in Ettelbrück /Luxembourg. The…