The preparation to the World Cup 2023 are running! The contract was signed yesterday between the Mayor of the City Leuze-en-Hainaut, Mr. Lucien Rawart and the President of the IIA Karlheinz Bührer.
This event will take place from August 1 – 5, 2023 in the LeuzeArena in Leuze-en-Hainaut in Belgium. Bührer thanked the city for supporting this competition: “We have best sporting conditions in this new LeuzeArena”. There are two big gyms, a warming-up area and all what is necessary for a perfect World Cup.
Arnaud Clerx, President of the clubs Indiaka Leuze and Indiaka.or, is preparing this event together with his Indiaca friends with a lot of commitment and energy. We are sure, that this will be a great event in 2023!
Here you can find some impressions:

The contract is signed: Arnaud Clerx (President Indiaka Leuze) Lucien Rawart (Mayor City of Leuze-en-Hainaut), Karlheinz Bührer (President International Indiaca Association), Paul Olivier (Sports councilor Leuze-en-Hainaut)